Reflections of a Principal and Supply Superintendent of Schools in the North-west Territories (1957–1966) and as a Supply Superintendent of Schools in the Province of Alberta (1967–1969)

A Comparison


  • William Bock Medicine Hat College


reflections, schools, North-west Territories, Province of Alberta


William Bock was born December 24, 1928 in Manitou, Manitoba. In 1948 Bill, as he was known, graduated from grade twelve at the Mennonite Collegiate Institute and began teaching school “on permit.” In those days it was possible to teach in public schools in Manitoba on application for a permit from the provincial government, if one was to be enrolled in “Normal School”—the earliest form of organized teacher training in Canada. One year later, in 1949, Bill graduated from the Winnipeg Normal School. As requirements for the practice of the profession of teaching steadily increased from the 1960s onwards, Bill found himself back in the classroom as a student for quite a number of years, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) from the University of Manitoba in 1958. In 1961 he enrolled in the Education Administration program in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta, but found he was unable to complete it due to the responsibilities of a wife and four children to support on a limited income.


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