A Nun from Québec, a Métisse from Good Hope, and a Gwich’in from Peels River

Three Women’s Stories of Sickness in the Mackenzie District


  • Walter Vanast McGill University


Grey Nuns, Mackenzie Delta, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Canada, Arctic, nineteenth century, tuberculosis, health care


This article outlines the stories of three women religious who lived and worked in the McKenzie Delta, in the Arctic region of the far north of Canada, in the nineteenth century. Their service took place in the context of the spread of tuberculosis. Close archival work details their response to the illness and death around them, and the suffering it entailed. An Appendix is included to give indication of the differences between the work of the missionary sisters and the physicans in the paid employ of either the North-west Mounted police or the federal government.


Anon. 1962. “Sœur Élisabeth Girard—Ste.-Eugénie. Décédée le 22 août 1961.” Annales. 242-253. Montreal: Grey Nun Mother House.

Archives of the Synod of the Anglican Church (AAT). 1916. Walter Fry’s Annual letter from Herschel Island to potential southern donors.

Calmette, A. 1920. L’Infection Bacillaire et la Tuberculose. Paris: Masson.

Feldberg, Georgina D. 1995. Disease and Class: Tuberculosis and the Shaping of Modern North American Society. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Flick, Lawrence D. 1925. Development of Our Knowledge of Tuberculosis. Philadelphia: n. pub.

Godsell, Jean W. 1959. I Was No Lady. Toronto: Ryerson University Press.

National Archives of Canada Record Group (NAC). 1924. O. S. Finnie to W. W. Cory. September 23. RG 85, v. 593, f. 735, 1921–1927.

---. 1928a. C. Starnes to O. S. Finnie. February 13. RG 85 v. 781, f. 5878.

---. 1928a. [Illegible signature] memo to O.S. Finnie. RG 85 v. 781, f. 5878. February 18.

---. 1928. O. S. Finnie to William Wallace Cory. RG 85 v. 781, f. 5878. February 21.

MPAJ (Fort McPherson Anglican Journal). 1911–1912.

---. 1914. November 22?25.

---. 1916. October 8.

Provincial Archives of Alberta, Oblats de Marie Immaculée (PAA/OMI). 1926. Cecilia Gaudet to Father Leguen at Fort Providence. File Leguen. September n.d.

---. 1928a. Franciscus Moisan to Bishop Gabriel Breynat from Fort Simpson. File Moisan. October 3.

---. 1928b. Franciscus Moisan to Breynat. File Moisan. December 4. Providence Chroniques (PC). 1908. March 9; March 18.

---. 1909. December 5–6.

---. 1913. August 16–22.

---. 1914. July 9–19.

---. 1916. January 10, 11, 14, 17, 19, 23; February 2, 12, 16; March 23, 24, 26, 29; April 8–9, 20, 24–26, 30; May 12, 26–31; June 1–2, 4–5, 10, 12, 13, 16–18, 20–22, 24; July 1–19, 21–22; August 13; September 2, 10, 21, 23; October 16; November 22; December 9, 11, 21.

---. 1917. January 8–10, 26; May 1, 4, 10–13, 17; July 3–4, 11–13, 20; October 17.

---. 1918. March 8–9; April 22; June 23, 30; July 1; August 4; September 15–16; October 2–4, 14, 24, 29–31; November 1, 8; December 28, 31.

ASGE. 1991. Hand-typed, two-page list of deceased nuns in Grey Nun Divine Providence province.

Sworn Statements Before Police (SSPB). 1915. Arthur N. Blake (NWMP officer). February 6–8.

---. [No first name] Clay (NWMP Sgt.).

---. William Andrew Doak (NWMP).

---. John Firth.

---. Sara Jacquot.

---. [No first name] Long.

---. W. G. Phillips (HBC).

---. C. E. Whittaker.

Wilson Complaints (WC). 1913. J. W. Phillips to Sargeant Clay. July 13.

---. 1914a. Charles A. Wilson to John Firth at Fort McPherson. July 10.

---. 1914b. Joseph Jacquot to A. B. Perry, August 22.

---. 1914c. R. A. Cuthbert to A. B. Perry, NWMP Commissioner. August 22.

---. 1914d. A. B. Perry to McDonnell. September 11.

---. 1914e. A. B. Perry to L. Fortescue. September 29.

---. 1915. J. W. Phillips to A. B. Perry February 6.

Wilson Employ (WE). 1911a. Fred White to W.C. Edwards, Alberta Senator. March 31.

---. 1911b. Wilfrid Laurier to Fred White, RCMP Comptroller. May 12.

---. 1911c. Charles A. Wilson to W. C. Edwards. May 18.

---. 1911d. Fred White to Z.T. Wood. July 11.

---. 1911e. Fred White to Charles A. Wilson, July 11.

---. 1912a. Charles A. Wilson. Medical Report to Superintendent of North Division. RG 18 v. 425 f. January 21.

---. 1912b. Charles A. Wilson to Supt. N Division. February 16.

---. 1913a. Alice Blair Willcocks to Fred White. February 27.

---. 1913b. Fred White to Alice Blair Willcocks. March 11.

---. 1914a. Charles A. Wilson to Fred White. February 14.

---. 1914c. Fred White to W. C. Edwards. March 31.

---. 1914c. A. B. Perry, RCMP Commissioner, to Fred White. March 30.






Religious Studies and Theology
