About the Journal

Dermot Killingley, Newcastle University
Anna King, University of Winchester
Karen O’Brien-Kop, King’s College London

Book Review Editors
Simon Brodbeck, Cardiff University
Suzanne Newcombe, Inform

Religions of South Asia is a development of the work of the Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions which has been meeting annually since 1975 and is supported by the Spalding Trust. Learn more by visiting the homepage of The Spalding SymposiumRoSA publishes papers by internationally respected scholars on some of the most vibrant and dynamic religious traditions of the world. It includes the latest research on distinctively South Asian or Indic religions - Hindu, Jaina, Buddhist and Sikh - religions which continue to influence the patterns of thought and ways of life of millions of people. These are traditions which are integral not only to the development of the cultural identities of India and South Asia, but to those of many diaspora communities globally. The Journal also includes papers on those religions originating from outside the sub-continent - Christian, Jewish, Islamic and Zoroastrian traditions and newly emerging religions like the Baha'i tradition, which are developing a significant presence in South Asia. Papers are particularly welcomed that discuss the confluence of religious cultures and inter-cultural encounters. 

Publication: 3 issues per year

ISSN 1751-2689 (Print)
ISSN 1751-2697 (Online)

Please send books for review to:
Simon Brodbeck
Reviews Editor, Religions of South Asia
c/o School of History, Archaeology and Religion
John Percival Building, Cardiff University
Colum Drive
Cardiff CF10 3EU
Wales, UK